Sunday, February 17, 2008

Post 277 - Genesis?

I find it interesting how everyone has their imperfections (except me) and yet finds it okay to treat people, even the ones they call friends, terribly. But seriously, we all have our imperfections including me. The people I consider some of my best friends now give me the hardest time. I don't need their crap, I need their support and help. I have gotten that from some of my good friends, but most of the time it is because they are like me. Sometimes they are genuinely nice people, but more often they are not.

I am starting this blog to coincide with another journey I am beginning. It will be a long journey, a hard journey, a rewarding one, and most of all a life altering one. Show your support, show your hate, whatever. I take everything with a grain of salt these days. That is a sad fact that has come of some circumstances, but one that has helped me learn who I can really trust.

I should take the time to make some things clear now:
- I will try to post as often as possible, I am a student so sometimes it just wont happen
- I might use some vulgar language, try not to be offended, I have strong opinions
- If I am talking about a friend I will not use their real name
- I will never use any racial, ethnic, religious slurs and please let me know if you have been offended (I don't guarantee I will fix it, but I will consider anything)
- Comment often.
- Leave suggestions or ask questions
- I will try to be respectful of everyone, please do the same

And so it begins....

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